October 2014 – Got Facebook?

Sandy has given me the privilege of writing the October Soapbox. So I am taking the opportunity to make a short and shameless plug of our social media presence! North American Arms is working hard to build its online presence. Social media is another avenue in which we can do this. Social media helps us to build a relationship with you, our customers. We can more broadly engage with our customers and allow the natural virality of these networks reach more of our current customers and attract new customers!

Besides NorthAmericanArms.com you can also find us on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. We use these mediums to share with you new and exciting product innovations, interactions from SHOT Show and NRA Expo, as well as spotlight those who have supported us through the years or are just now getting to know us.

Feel free to find us here:
Facebook – www.facebook.com/NorthAmericanArms
Twitter – www.twitter.com/NAAMiniRevolver
YouTube – www.youtube.com/NAAMovies

If you have any questions, please let me know.


Kenny Barlow
Sales & Marketing Manager

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November 2014 – A Message From the National Shooting Sports Foundaition