November Soapbox – At Last

With the arrival of the of Ranger II, so begins a new era for North American Arms.  Many of you will have seen a couple of posted video clips of its presentation (See video here.)

at the recent firearms wholesalers show (NASGW).  While the early reviews have been very positive, it’s the opinions of you, the ultimate customer, which will determine the success (or lack of) of this product.

The response to our Early Bird offer was similarly very positive.  While we are very happy with the orders we’ve received, the offer was oversubscribed and I’m sorry that we won’t be able to fill all the orders we received.  I’m told that everyone should be notified of their particular outcome before the end of this week and that we plan to begin slowly shipping product by the middle of the month.

I expect that by this time next month there should be a few dozen Ranger IIs in the field and I expect that most who have one will share their impressions and experiences in short order.  My fingers are crossed.  Hope you like it; let us know. – Sandy

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October Soapbox – Ranger II Early Bird
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