May 2016 – New Website

It’s almost certain that you’ve noticed that the NAA website has gone through a dramatic overhaul. Based on the few early comments posted on a recently created thread on our Message Board, which is now called “Forum” at the top of the Home page, the reaction has been mixed – as we anticipated. Some of you are happy with our efforts to “freshen” our presentation, while others are perplexed/disappointed with our having “fixed” something that didn’t appear broken. There’s a lot to be said for the comfort of familiarity, even if the old doesn’t work as well as the new; that describes my feelings much of the time about lots of things, so I’m sympathetic to anyone feeling annoyed.

What originally drove this project was the shopping/ordering architecture, which on our old site was “dated”. I’m told that how we collect data and distribute it throughout the rest of our accounting and order fulfillment systems has improved greatly, as has the security and efficacy of the payment and tracking process.

It’s my initial, casual observation that a lot yet remains to be done. Poor formatting and coding, broken links, etc. riddle the site. Please do us the great favor of identifying any and every mistake you uncover as you wander around and share your observations with my Sales & Marketing Manager, Kenny Barlow (, who is managing this project. Please feel invited as well to offer your comments, criticisms and any other feedback you would like to share with the factory. We have a lot to learn and we recognize that, particularly with this new effort, there’s a lot we can do to improve upon it still. We’d appreciate your help.

Fortunately, the Message Board a.k.a. Forum appears to have remained unchanged. F.Y.I., my habits are to review ALL of the posts in the “Products” group EVERY day. Until yesterday when I began to conduct my audit and I was feeling particularly nosey, there were several groups I had never visited, particularly the “Politics and Religion” group – it scares me the carnage and vitriol I might find in there. I was surprised to see several posts in the other categories “addressed” to me. Let me once again make my practice clear: I will not respond to ANY posts in our Forum. Notwithstanding, I will respond to EVERY email that is addressed to me personally I would be very happy to hear from you.

Ranger II? We’re still working on it when we have the time. Admittedly, it’s not our first priority.

For those of you attending the NRA Convention in Louisville the weekend of May 20th, please stop by the NAA booth (5732) and introduce yourself. We look forward to meeting you.

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