I wish I had something specific to report about The Ranger II, but I don’t. Work on it continues. We’re in constant contact with potential vendors and we have resources we continue to spend on this project. I still believe we can make this product happen.
That said, frankly, we‘re more focused on addressing the business we presently have. We’re appreciative of the opportunity and need to satisfy the customers who are already waiting for our guns. That’s our priority.
While I’m eager to bring this new product back to the market, we’re not going to lose sight of the need to address current demand – with good guns.
That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. I know that several of you feel teased and are eagerly awaiting this attractive new product and I thought you were due as good an answer as I could give you. This is it.
It is with the greatest sincerity that I thank our customers for creating these opportunities and challenges.