Getting Closer

Well, this Soapbox isn’t going to write itself (unfortunately).  What happened to March?


Like many, I’m beginning to see light at the end of what’s been a very long, dark tunnel.  My wife and I have both received two vaccination shots and, while not bullet-proof, we feel an enormous sense of relief that our risk of being infected by the virus approaches 0%.  Travel is now a possibility for me, where it hasn’t been for almost the past 14 months; my last trip was a factory visit to Provo in early Feb. 2020, and I haven’t been back since.  And what has happened in the interim?  Well, I’ve recruited and installed a new COO, Mike Griffin, a transition that was briefly described in the January 2021 Soapbox.   I feel confident that Mike can make some durable changes to our processes in general so that we can manufacture more efficiently; early signs are hopeful.


I’m going to miss my friend, Ken.  Of course, I’ll still see and talk to him occasionally, but he’s now off on a different chapter of his life.  I wish him great happiness and success; he’s earned it.


I sure am looking forward to returning to my factory and reconnecting with my team.


I care about my customers and I’m sorry if our output is not meeting demand.  We will not compromise our quality standards in the pursuit of an increased volume, but I expect that our deliveries can improve as our processes improve; that’s the plan.


I wish you all the health and safety that I’ve been fortunate enough to enjoy for the past year. – Sandy



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