June Soapbox – “Perfect” Storm

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, it does.

Thanks to COVID-19, the levels of anger and hostility many people feel have risen, largely as a function of the severity of their lockdown status, their suffering through miserable weather, possible lost jobs, etc.  For example, I plan to return to PHL later this week (crimson RED status) and I anticipate facing a very angry community – businesses closed, lockdown in effect, lousy weather – quite unlike the more comfortable, permissive (Yellow, tending Green) circumstance I’m leaving in SW FL.  News reports confirm that the “angry zone” occupies broad swaths of our country.  A lot of hostile energy, looking for an outlet.  What to do?

Enter George Floyd (R.I.P.), the most recent face of police criminal misuse of force.  Tragic.  Inexcusable.  The unlawful behavior of a reprehensible few stains the many dedicated professionals who are sworn to – and who generally deliver – necessary and important public service.  The response in this and ALL instances ought to be swift justice.  The protests can’t be loud enough.  Maybe, similar to the thoughts of many following another episode of senseless gun violence, THIS will be the catalyst to deliver enduring change.  Sadly, color me skeptical/cynical.

I shouldn’t diminish/compare the level/intensity of anger for social injustice vs. the relatively short-lived interruption of a pandemic.  The injustice component is personal, soul-felt and has been simmering for decades.  “Something should be done!”; indeed.  The pandemic is simply a momentary source for more anger.

Please stay safe and remain hopeful.  Admittedly, mine is hanging by a thread.

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May 2020 Soapbox – Disruption. Just wow…
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July Soapbox- Proud to be an American